Thursday, July 29, 2010

Working out hard and...

...gaining weight?? I don't get it. I know that I don't exactly exist on salads and egg white omelets, but come on. 18 miles on the bike Tuesday, 5 1/2 miles running yesterday morning then 1.5 hours of tennis in the evening, then 18 more miles on the bike today, and I'm still up 3 pounds from last week. It just doesn't seem possible. I guess the one thing I missed this week was my basketball game Tuesday night (stupid Steve Miller concert), but that shouldn't make this much difference. I'm working on the 4th straight week not making a new low. I'm running out of time to reach my 230's goal before the cruise! And a possible beach trip to NJ next week isn't going to help things.

At least I'm not eating any of these:

Can you believe KFC's Double Down (which has chicken patties for buns and bacon and cheese in the middle) has barely over 1/3 the calories of the Friendly's Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt?  So you could eat 3 of them!

Hmmm, what would Homer order?


  1. Jim: Your trainer extraordinaire can correct me on this one but I am almost certain the muscle you are building weighs more than the fat - so perhaps you hit the ideal and now your muscles will keep you from actually going lower? What was your last body fat count? I would think pretty low with all the exercise for the last 10 months - ?

  2. I actually just had it checked today by Peggy, and yup, it's a lot lower. Down from 34% to about 23.5%, so I'm pleased with that. I'll do a post about it soon.

  3. I can only agree with DJC, it has to be the muscles! Great job!:)
