Friday, July 16, 2010

Looking ahead...

...because I don't want to look back and see more failure.  Yes, I was up a bit this week.  But I was working out really hard, and I'm getting more fit.  I think I've just been "carbing up" a bit too much lately. 

But looking ahead, I realize that I only have about 6 weeks till my one year anniversary.  [I wonder what I should get myself for my anniversary?  Candy?  Flowers?  Gym membership?]  Therefore, I need to set a one year goal.  I think the goal should be reaching the 230's at least.  But that doesn't seem like that much of a stretch from here (Ha, famous last words!), so maybe something harder?  220's?  Unrealistic, I'm afraid.  Let's split the difference and say 235.  That's more than 10 from where I am today, so that seems reasonable.

I also plan on making my official "year" weigh in on August 20th, since the next day we leave for a week long cruise.  The cruise ends only a week before my Sept 3rd anniversary date, so I think the safer course is to weigh in for the year before the cruise, even if that does mean fudging it a little. 

Peggy, I'm also going to enlist your help again since I'll need to do a one year update on the body fat percentage.  You'd hope that 60 or so pounds should make a big difference!

As a bookkeeping matter, I've decided to stop measuring my total weight loss from the 295 I was the first week and instead measure from the 301 that I got up to before I started the blog.  That's realistically how I think about it.  I didn't do it that way at first b/c I didn't want to confuse the matter, but now that I'm so far into it I'm going to make the switch.


  1. I am curious what Peggy has to say about a good target weight for you? What is the healthy ideal for your height? Keep up the good work Jim! Hard to believe you are almost to a year! Keep trucking as they say in the west or as they say down south ... get er done! Work it!

  2. Jim - if you have time this week I'll have you come in to work to do your BFA. We can estimate an ideal weight based on this info too - it's better information if it's based on your lean mass vs fat mass and not just on height and weight.

  3. Thanks, Peggy! Maybe Weds or Thurs, since Therese is working both days. I'll call you.
