Monday, June 28, 2010

Long time, no blog

Hi both of you,

When last we left our intrepid blogger, he was celebrating an all time low.  Then things changed a little.  He want from 248ish a week ago Thursday to 261ish last Tuesday.  No foolin'.  Apparently a long weekend in NJ eating buckets of Johnson's Popcorn as well as filet and pizza and whatever the heck else was within freakin' arm's reach will do that to you.  Who knew?

But from 261 Tuesday I lost about 12 pounds by this past Saturday, when I "officially" weighed in for the week.  I was back to 249.8, which is where I was on June 11th.  Then I decided to try to not blimp up this past weekend, and I was still in the high 240's today instead of up a bunch.  Granted, I spent several hours in 100 degree weather Sunday pulling weeds, and then a couple more today putting down mulch, but whatever it takes, right?

On a side note, I'd like to welcome spammer Jay to the program with my first spam comment.  Go Acai berry!!


  1. So Jim - what can one say - at least you have the pendulum swinging back and forth - which while this is good - is not the way things should be for the rest of your days. I will of course applaud you getting right back into things and doing the sweaty work to swing it back. You are clearly committed. However, it still seems like food rules you (as it does most) - this is what needs broken.

    I am going to go out on a limb ... I did say a limb ... because I want you to seriously consider this slightly extreme addition to your regimen. Consider maybe adding a new twist to build up your ability to say no to the yummies of life. Putting the Jim effort, and adding more of the God effort perhaps - because He too wants you to be fit, and healthy and not dominated by food bro!

    Consider this: if you were to fast every Friday, similar to what we do in Lent, however, with the understanding that this does not entitle you to any gorging on Thursday night, or Saturday or the following days. Then add another reason to your fasting, that strikes a cord in you, such as offer the hunger pains for deceased loved ones, for the conversion of B.O., for the souls in purgatory, heck, I will take some grace :) - but unite the "Jim effort" with the work of God's grace and an even greater good ... this might help take you to a place of building virtue in temperance and reduce the fear and focus on just what the weigh ins will be.

    I think in the end, building your virtue of temperance - your ability to say no - will go a long way.

    I did say a little extreme right? Consider it Jim, pray about it. The bottom line is that what you are doing is working, but you need to complete the breaking free ... and i can assure you ... as can St John Vianney ... if fasting and fasting and prayer can change an entire town, it can surely change you too.

    God speed ... whatever your choice, I support you ... but if you choose a day ... let us all know. We want this for you too Jim!

    God Bless,


  2. Interesting idea, Dave. Might make Lent a little easier! Maybe I'll ease into it with first Fridays and go from there. I do think you're right that it could help. This week has been much better, by the way.
