Monday, June 7, 2010

New all time low!

Saturday evening, after Erin and I worked on my car in the heat of the day for 3 hours, I stepped on the scale and saw 249.8!  I called Therese in to verify it.  Naturally, much of it was due to dehydration, but even so I was very excited.  November 19th of last year was the first time I got into the 250's, so it only took me 6 1/2 months to lose ten pounds!  At this pace, I'll be in the 230's by January!

Of course, since it's me we're talking about, I celebrated my accomplishment with a big steak dinner Saturday night (although I didn't actually finish the whole steak!).  I didn't work out yesterday, but I'll be back on the wagon today.  I just want the official weigh in later this week to show something in the 240s and I'll be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Nice work Jim! Keep it up, can't wait to hear the hydrated 240s weigh-in!! You got this.
