Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday Weigh-in, Friday Edition

I was 252.2 yesterday after my afternoon run.  That's down 1.6 from last week.  I don't have multiple barbeques to go to this weekend, so I'm hopeful things continue to improve.  This morning after racquetball with Anil I was 251.6, which is only a couple tenths off my lowest yet.  I'm going to try Peggy's gallon of water suggestion, and Joan is absolutely right that I need to start strength training.  I just find it very boring.  Maybe I could invent a game that involves lifting weights...


  1. Hey Jim - How did the healthy snacks go at Poker the other night?

  2. Pretty well. Mostly chex mix and diet sodas. I still haven't broken out the veggies yet.
