Thursday, March 11, 2010

That didn't go so well

So in only my 2nd time out on the new bike I got hit by a car today.  I'm not seriously hurt, but the bike is pretty messed up.  Hopefully the driver's insurance will pay for a new one.  I was in the crosswalk and she had a red light but was turning right.  She looked back to check on the baby and just didn't see me.  I have some cuts and my wrists and neck are sore, but nothing too severe.  C'est la vie.  At least I was having a fairly good ride until that point.  I was about 12 miles into a planned 15 mile ride, and I felt good.  Oh well.  I still have my old 50 pound upright steel bike.


  1. Whoa bro! Sorry to hear that. Very very happy it was not much worse - as I think it really could have been! Prayers for a speedy recovery!
