Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stagnation, they name is James

If I was at my goal weight and had gone four months without gaining anything, I'd be really happy.  But since I'm only HALF way to my goal weight, and have gone four months without gaining (or losing) anything, I'm not as happy.  I know, I know, many of you out there probably blame Dan Simpson for refusing to play racquetball with my last night.  I think that's unfair.  He's not the one that shoveled all those Girl Scout cookies into my mouth over the weekend, or ordered that reuben at Mackey's instead of the salad.  Also, it appears that the benefits of a full day of skiing are negated by Indian casino buffets.  Who knew?

One other blog-related matter:  For many of you, I've been manually emailing the blog postings b/c Blogger will only send each update to ten addresses.  If you look at the right side of my blog at the bottom, there's an "email subscription box" where you can put in your address and a third party will forward it for me.  For those that I was manually forwarding, I will put in your email address for you.  But you still have to opt in if you want the service.  So if you do, just click on the link they'll send you.  The email will come from:

FeedBurner Email Subscriptions


  1. You're ears must have been burning b/c we were just talking about you at yoga today. WHO BOUGHT GIRL SCOUT COOKIES AND LEFT THEM IN THE HOUSE??!! New rule - don't put anything in the house that you can't/shouldn't eat! The kids will survive. Keep it at Bob's office like we do and Bob brings occasional treats home for the kids - he's the only one with enough will power to not eat all the treats. Then, get your behind out of bed early Sat. morning and come to Bob's bike training - you'll be happy in the long run if you do - the weight just pours off you! You can take a nap later that day. You can do this Jim. We all love you and are rooting for you!!

  2. For starters you had the problem at Mackey's because you failed to invite me ... after all it was my turn to pay ... and we are supposed to split the Reuben and something more health conscious. I want to say serves you right ... but I won't ... oh wait I think I already did. Anyway, brother, the weather is getting warmer, which means fewer excuses to take advantage of working out in the great outdoors, and not to forget your soon daily Saturday workout in ULTIMATE FRISBEE - that is if we can count on Ben - he did get married and is a newly wed so getting him out of bed on a Saturday may be a little more of a challenge - but hey here's hoping. Speaking of hope - that's what you need brother - don't lose hope - and I am not talking the empty hope the big O used to get elected. Hang in there - and don't give up!

  3. I'm now officially an email member and looking fwd to getting more posts! Hope this beautiful spring weather is giving you a boost. Remember to try to change one habit a month - the best way to progress towards lifetime health. A plateau is just a sign to find another good habit to instill.
