Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hoping to bike outside tomorrow

Forecast for tomorrow is 69 degrees!  Forget trainers, let's see some open road!  Time to take advantage of the "work" at home!


  1. Woo hoo - go Jim go! Have a great ride!

  2. You're doing awesome honey, remember 20 more pounds by our trip:)

  3. I see him, yonder, treking across the great hills of Prince William County, up Vint Hill Road and back, taking squirrels, moose, deer and anything else down in his path. Ahh the joy of the pedal! (Yes I am in an odd state this morning! May be lack of Mochas from Starbucks, or lack of lunch with Jim, which I will not invite you to this week - for fear I do not help the cause!!!!)
