Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Shoveling my way to fitness?

It looks like the winter of never ending snow continues tonight.  I hope we get a good turnout for hoops, since that's always my best exercise of the week.  I did a spin class yesterday and that was super tough.  I'm looking forward to when it's warm enough to ride outside. 


  1. I admit this last snow I chose not to shovel. Think of it as a sit it. But yes, I admit I lose the benefit of the workout on my extremely small driveway :)

  2. Keep up the great work Jim!!!

  3. Great job on the spin class - those will have you ready to cycle with the Colemans in no time!
    Oh, and had an idea for you. How about you move your weigh-ins to Monday morning to keep you honest on the weekends? I'm glad I can't hear what you are saying right now;)

  4. Monday weigh ins?? ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!

  5. I think I heard that from here! ... Does the lack of a Thursday posting mean that you are moving to Mondays?
