Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jim's Weight Gain blog??

This cold weather and lack of basketball (including tonight) is not helping at all.  Peggy suggsted switching to Mondays for the weigh ins, and that makes sense from an incentive point of view.  It will, however, make my weekends suck.  I had basically decided to make the switch, then I realized that Sunday was the Super Bowl.  So yesterday was ugly when I did finally weigh in.  This is getting pretty depressing.  I need some sort of big incentive/goal to work toward.  Who's up for a Jim Telethon to raise money to send me to a tropical destination if I reach a certain goal??


  1. Hey Jimbo - I ran into a young lady at Costco the other day. She suggested that I publicly challenge you as it will help you to focus.

    Here it is: You have 2 months until the beginning of softball. If you are not down to 245, you will either be parked behind the dish or shagging fly's in right field. The days of relaxing at 1st base will be over for you.

    If you make weight, you will at least start at 1st base.

    What do you say big boy? Do you accept?
    Captain Meanie

  2. Hey,

    Time to stop with the excuses. You've been at or around 260 for 3 months now so it's time to start making progress again. Get you butt in the gym, lift weights, run, start eating better. This is up to you.

  3. At last - someone else who is tired of EXCUSES!

  4. Bill, I was looking for some sort of POSITIVE incentive, not punishment for failure. But since I can't be crouching for two hours and I can't catch fly balls, I'll have to get my s*** in order.

  5. Jim,
    Waaaa waaa waaa! What ever gets the job done!
    The Punisher

  6. How about the incentive of pictures beside your beautiful wife on your cruise that you are proud to display? I'll buy you the frame to hang on your wall for them =)

    And I do agree with my drill sergeant/husband. We know the many obstacles - let's hear about how you are overcoming them!

  7. We've been checking in! Where'd you go?
