Thursday, February 18, 2010

Back to the 250's

So my official weigh in was this a.m. and I was at 259.6.  I'm please b/c that's down 6.4 since Tuesday and also down from last week.  I put my bike on Therse's new trainer last night and rode for half an hour and watched the Simpsons.  It looks like my gears might need adjusting b/c they were clicking all over the place.  I could only find a few gears that were smooth and not making noise.  When I rode outside that one glorious warm day we had in January, there was only a gear or two that clicked.  If the Colemans push back Saturday's indoor ride to a more reasonable time so that I don't have to wake up my kids (i.e. 9ish), I'll have Bob look at it.


  1. Jim - the day is half over by 9am at the Coleman house. Wake your kids up, bring them here and I'll feed them breakfast - they can take naps later!

  2. Maybe a Friday night sleepover would be a better idea?

  3. Ahh, look at my husband trying to get some free babysitting:) And what's up with spelling my name wrong!! It's T--H--E--R--E--S--E!!!!!!! And there's these little accent marks to make it sound ohhh so sexy:)

  4. Therese, I meant that I would be sleeping over. Not sure what to do with the kids...
