Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pre-Lent weigh in

It's not "official," but I was 266 last night before basketball.  Yikes!  But have I mentioned before (probably yes) how much I like basketball as a workout?  My weight this morning was 260.2.  We only had 8 last night but we still ran full court and I think we played something like 8 or 9 games.  I was so spent at the end that my calves were tightening up like a charlie horse.


  1. Good job honey. Oh and your bike trainer arrived today. No excuse not to go Bob Coleman's spin class:)

  2. See you on Saturday at the Coleman's.

  3. Can't do a Saturday 7 a.m. at the Coleman's b/c Therese works Friday night. Perhaps a 2 hour delayed opening?

  4. ...sure sounded like Terese was giving you the okey dokey to go. You're not making a(nother) excuse are you?

    Tick-tock, softball is coming!
