Monday, August 16, 2010

Getting ready for my cruise

Looks like I once again will not reach a pre-vacation goal.  I wanted to get in the 240's before I went to Hawaii and didn't make it till I got back, and I wanted to get in the 230's before the cruise and 243 was as close as I got (a few weeks ago, ugh!).  This past Friday I was up to 249.  I'm playing basketball tomorrow, but we leave Friday afternoon, so the 230s will have to wait until September.  Until that time, enjoy this picture of the weight that Therese apparently hopes to get down to, since she's clearly not happy with her current weight.

There are so many things wrong with this photo...

Hat tip to Dan Flook for the pic.


  1. Did you have to post that horrible picture! God bless that poor woman.
    Jim - most cruise ships have a great gym on them - not saying you have to do anything spectacular, just balance out all that yummy food with some exercise. And your wife is the most gorgeous woman - and looks super hot in a bikini - I'm always jealous!! :) Love you both! Have a great cruise. Bon Voyage!

  2. Yeah, that's a pretty awful visual.

    Love you Therese. You are beautiful. Enjoy your time together this week - and the ocean and sunshine!

    You are doing great Jim. "Life's a journey, not a destination." =)

  3. I dont know who is Therese but these photos are totally disturbing. The woman on them looks so ... dead. I saw pics of anorectic girls before, but this is totally overboard...
    So anyway i guess this was some joke and that this Therese is just a typical girl that wants to loose weight even when she looks good:) Not someone with more serious troubles...

  4. Therese is my lovely wife, who -- like most women -- is never happy with the way she looks. :)
