Monday, August 9, 2010

Body fat percentage update

I had Peggy check me again last week (thanks, Peggy!), and I'm down to 23.65% now.  When I was measured in December I was 26.6% and I was 29% when I started.  Those numbers don't seem that impressive, but when cleaning off my desk over the weekend, I did find a piece of paper from my original body fat analysis where one method (there are several ways to derive the number) had me at 34%, so I'm down more than 10% from that number.  I'm not sure why (other than embarrassment) I used the 29% number officially.  I apparently still have 58 pounds of total fat on me (247 x .2365), so a zero body fat Jim would weigh 189.  I'd be happy to split the difference and lose 29 more pounds and be 218.

But my new percentage is exciting because now I'm just overweight!  Goodbye obese category!  (BTW, there's no feeling in the world like dieting and exercising for almost a year to get "down" to ... "overweight"?  What an accomplishment!)

Here's a chart I found online:

Age Underfat Healthy Range Overweight Obese
20-40 yrs Under 8% 8-19% 19-25% Over 25%
41-60 yrs Under 11% 11-22% 22-27% Over 27%
61-79 yrs Under 13% 13-25% 25-30% Over 30%

So another 4.65% gets me to the "healthy" range.

1 comment:

  1. I think we took a few bodyfat measurements the first time since I was practicing. 32% was the one that I thought was most accurate and had written down, though I knew you chose the lowest of the trials =) So for the purpose of reporting progress, I'd say you've dropped 9%. Nice job!
