Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated

I know I don't post as often these days, but it's because I don't want to sound like a broken record.  For six months now I've just maintained my weight.  Sometimes I get discouraged and stop trying for a few days and gain a few pounds.  Then I get annoyed that I wasted all that exercise and work so I lose those same few pounds back.  Like many people, I'm just stuck in a rut.  I'm exercise plenty, I just eat too much.  And besides being swimsuit season, this is also barbeque season.  What's a meat-loving former fat guy to do?? 

It's depressing b/c instead of being excited by the upcoming long weekend, I'm dreading it.  I only lose weight during the week, when I have my regular routine and normal sized meals.  This weekend is full of pitfalls, with poker Friday and cookouts to attend ALL THREE weekend days.  All I'm thinking about is how to get through the weekend without blimping up again.  (And for all of you whose advice is "Just don't eat that much," that's not particularly helpful.  Obviously if I had that level of self control, I would never have been 300 pounds in the first place...)

After last weekend, I was in the low 260's.  (I didn't weigh myself b/c I just knew that I was.  After 6 months of being in the same narrow range, I pretty much know what my weight is without weighing.)  This morning (after soccer Monday, hoops Tuesday and track workout last night) I'm 253.8.  So once again the cycle continues.  My goal this week will be to break that cycle.  I have determined that this will be the week that I remain strong over the weekend and hit a new low next time. 

One last note:  Welcome to new watcher "Katty Z" from the Czech Republic!


  1. Jim,
    Glad to see you post again. Time to switch to some activities that don't set you up to fail. If you fail on poker night: don't go. If your "friends" put out chips and dip but no carrot sticks: tell them you will bring your own. Then man up and do it.

    No excuses. You have proven that you can lose the weight. This is a choice you have to make. Be fat or be healthy - the choice is yours.

  2. Jim: After reading what Bill said ... I do not think I could do a much better job than to tell you to take a moment and reread what he wrote. I know that may seem cheap - but he does not mince words and that is what you need right now. Keep your eyes on the goal!

  3. I don't think it's simple... losing weight is very challenging for most people... and I greatly admire you for the weight you have already lost. The fitness itself is doing great things for your health, so don't discount that and how far you've come in terms of cardiorespiratory health. Maybe try to find other aspects of the events that you enjoy, focus on those to take emphasis away from the food that you associate with them. Like winning at poker, playing one of the many sports you like at bbqs, chatting with friends, etc. You have lost 40+ lbs so I know you know how to do this. Just keep plugging away. You are doing amazing!

  4. Thanks guys. Peggy has a point that's good, which is to stay active at BBQs. I'll have my frisbee and trusty Dallas Cowboys football with me this weekend.

    Bill, if I put out carrot sticks I don't think my friends would come back. I'm going to compromise with Chex mix and diet sodas...

  5. jim,
    You have been disciplined enough to lose this much weight. Eating at events is not easy - at all. Having grown up as a "husky boy" myself I am well aware of it. But because of that I also know that it has forced me to become disciplined. My life, my body - fat or (not as) skinny (as I want to be), it is my decision and my discipline that will get me there.

    As for poker night: unless I am mistaken, I know at least one guy there who has also been stating that he wants to lose some weight. I am sure he will support your healthy snack choices.

    One thing that worked for me was balancing my plate with healthy vs unhealthy items. Just as many carrots and broccoli as chips and dip. Eventually, my plate was only loaded with healthy items. Another, big plates when eating healthy (salad & veggies) and small small small plates for dessert. Makes the dessert look bigger and you cannot overload it.

    Well, you know me and I could go on forever but this fat boy needs to go and run.
    Have a great weekend - be strong!

  6. Hey, im almost blushing! Thanks:D...
    Anyway im also stuck, for more than a month now i gain 2 pounds, then i get mad, i loose 2 pounds, then i say to myself "oh what the hell, i still look better than before" and i gain it back... the worst thing is i start with one chocolate, and then i take second, and then some chips. Horrible. So... we have to stay strong. Watch so you dont get overboard too much and then one day you will get inspired again to loose once more. I think when we get weak the most important thing is not to ruin the previous work!
