Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm not done

Thank you to Bill for bugging me.  I took a week of b/c of the Hawaii trip, and since I've been back I've just been lazy.  This morning I was 256, which is up 5 from my pre-Hawaii days, but not as bad as I expected.  I'll run tonight and see what tomorrow brings.  Thanks for hanging with me, everyone!


  1. What! You did not let us know about your little Hawaii trip. You usually advise us of the up and coming potential downfalls. Wondering where you were ... and so back to daily life and daily exercise. Press on bro, press on!

  2. It was a surprise for Therese and even though she probably never reads the blog, I wanted to make sure it stayed a secret. There was one clue in my last post when I asked if poi was fattening. Only Carrie Hall figured it out!

  3. Didn't I get in trouble for emailing you back after you posted about poi??? We're reading Jim! Anyway, if you want me to program you for the Exerspy for a week let me know and I'll get it ready to go. It might help to have a new fun tool to keep your progress going.
