Thursday, May 13, 2010


So Peggy lent me her Exerspy device, which is pretty cool.  You wear it all day and it tells you how many calories you burn, how many steps you take, how many hours/minutes of activity you had, etc.  Given my age/height/sedentary job, Peggy determined that I need to burn 3023 calories a day to maintain my weight.  Obviously, that means I need to burn more than that (or eat less than that) to lose weight.  I figured a typical day not exercising would be less, and it turns out it's a lot less.  Something like 2400 calories was all I burned in a non-exercise weekday.  I'm sure a weekend would be more than that b/c I'm not sitting at a desk all day.  On days I exercised, I burned about 3500 calories.  So I guess it reinforces what I knew, but it give me specific numbers to shoot for, i.e. eat 600 few calories on a day I don't get to exercise.

As for today's weigh in, I was up a pound.  Given Caroline's First Communion party Saturday and then Dan's graduation party Saturday night, and given all the extra subs and chips and sodas we got that we didn't need, I guess I'm not too upset with that number.  Therese and I have been playing tennis in the mornings after dropping the kids off at school, so that's been nice.  Exercise that involves games is so much better than that which just involves running.

1 comment:

  1. I say do what sports and activities you enjoy, basketball and tennis are great forms of exercise!
