Friday, April 15, 2011

Big step

I joined a gym today!  Cardio is one thing, but I really need to develop some muscle as well.  I've been getting the Fitness19 ads in the mail for a while, and I finally bit on one.  After a relatively steep $168 down it's only $10/month forever.  Given that it's also really close to my house, I hope I use it.  I plan on riding my bike there on nice days.

I've been running and playing basketball, but my weight hasn't dropped.  Which I attribute to all the eating.  Somebody could get insanely rich developing a safe, working appetite suppressant...


  1. Jim,
    Congrats! That is a great step. My goals are more easily accomplished when I train at a gym vs at home only.

    As for appetite suppressants: I am a believer that they are bad. That being said...the only ones that work for me are DexaTrim Naturals washed down with coffee (the caffeine helps) and Hydroxy Cut with Ephedra**.

    See you at the games tonight!
    ** Ephedra if used incorrectly can kill you
