Monday, March 7, 2011

Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated

Sure, it's been since November that I've posted.  But I'm back!  (Thanks, Bill.)  Sadly, in the intervening time I've gained a bit.  I topped out near 280, but as of yesterday was back to 269.2.  So that's what I'll put down for this week and see how I do next week.  I've been playing basketball every Tuesday and racquetball most Fridays, and usually get in one job a week.  But the weather is getting nicer so I should be able to run more and start biking again.  Also tennis, maybe...

I've disable the automatic email notification on this thing, so now people can just visit if they want and ignore me otherwise.  Mostly it's b/c I'm kind of embarrassed at the backsliding.


  1. Jim,
    Don't be embarrassed - you have dropped 40 pounds since you began! You should be proud. Everyone hits a bump in the road now and again. Get back to training and drop another 40!
